Your long-term partner in water projects

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Your partner in all challenging water projects

As your partner, Bosta works with you throughout every stage of the process. From the initial quote to project design. From procurement to the supply of all materials. And from installation to testing the system. Bosta remains firmly by your side, and it does so from the moment that your initial query is addressed.

This is how we can help you

  • CAD design production
  • Specification and sourcing of components
  • Delivery from our European distribution centre to your site
  • Installation and testing
  • Full project management

75 years projects experience

20,000 customers served by 250 employees

Global market coverage

Providing water solutions

Using water efficiently and sustainably, so that entrepreneurs can achieve their goals. That is what Bosta does. Regardless of whether it concerns night frost protection for a berry grower in Limburg. Installing sprinkler systems at a German amusement park. Or filtering waste water at an Irish poultry farm. Our mission is always the same: to provide water solutions. And we pursue it with pride..

Project design

Project design

Every project first needs a design. If you approach us for a water solution, we ask you for all the information required. In the case of a grower, for example, it amounts to the dimensions of the plot, the distance between the crops and the amount of moisture the plant needs.

Our design team then produces detailed Computer Aided Design (CAD) drawings. You subsequently receive a quotation based on these drawings. Planning a project?

Reach out to us
Sourcing components

Sourcing components

Given our 75 years of experience in the field of water technology and a global network, all the components required for each project remain within easy reach.

After all, our European distribution centre continuously maintains sufficient stock to enable us to supply our products when they are needed.

Learn all about Bosta
Global mission

Global mission

Within the space of 75 years, our mission has acquired truly global significance. We bring water to life. At Belgian tree nurseries, in African villages, and even in your very own corner of the world.

Our seven European sales offices, global customer base of 20,000 and 250-strong European workforce have jointly enabled us to extend European to global coverage.

Our CSR strategy

PEDS page

A precisions effluent disposal (PED) system provides.